Osa controller

This is the controller for the optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), from Ando, model AQ6317B.

copyright:2020 by Hyperion Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
license:BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
class hyperion.controller.osa.osa_controller.OsaController(settings)

Class for OSA controller.

Parameters:settings (dict) – this includes all the settings needed to connect to the device in question.

” The end_wav is the end wavelength of the osa. :param end_wav: a value between 600 and 1750, must be greater than start_wav :type int


This method closes the connection to the osa machine. This method should be called when all the things are done which you wanted to do with osa machine.


Calculates the data created with the single sweep. Wait for OSA to finish before grabbing data

Return wav:an list of the wavelengths, spec an list with spectrum data.
Rtype wav:a list of floats and a list of floats

Starts the connection to the device with given port


” The optical resolution is the resolution of the spectrum you can take :param optical_resolution: a value that must be : 0.01, 0.02 ,0.05 ,0.1 ,0.2 ,0.5 ,1.0 ,2.0 , 5.0 :type float


Gives a command to the osa machine to perform a single sweep.


writes into the device message

Parameters:msg (string) – command to write into the device port
Return ans:answer from the osa
Rtype ans:string

” The amount of sample_points the osa machine must use in order to take a spectrum :param sample_points: the amount of points that will be on the x axis :type int


” The sensitivity of the osa machine :param sensitivity_string: a string that says how much the sensitivity must be :type string


in this method the parameters for the osa machine are set with hand in order to quickly get results.


” The start_wav is the start wavelength of the osa. :param start_wav: a value between 600 and 1750 :type int


Method to let the program do nothing for a while in order to create enough time to let the osa machine take a spectrum.

Parameters:timeout – time in seconds how long the program must wait before it resumes

if no timeout is specified a timeout will be calculated using self._time_constants :type timeout: float

class hyperion.controller.osa.osa_controller.OsaControllerDummy(settings)

In essence we have the same methods and we re-write the query to answer something meaningful but without connecting to the real device.


Identify command

Returns:identification for the device
Return type:string

Dummy initialize


writes into the dummy device msg

Parameters:msg (string) – command to write into the device port

Fake read that returns always the value in the dictionary FAKE RESULTS.

Returns:fake result
Return type:string

Writes into the dummy device

Parameters:msg (string) – message to be written in the device port