Hydraharp Instrument

This is the instrument level of the correlator Hydraharp400 from Picoquant

class hyperion.instrument.correlator.hydraharp_instrument.HydraInstrument(settings)

A class for the Hydraharp instrument.

Parameters:settings (dict) – to parse the needed settings.
Loads the yml configuration file of default instrument settings that probably nobody is going to change.
File in folder instrumentcorrelatorHydrahaInstrument_config.yml.
Parameters:filename (string) – the name of the configuration file

Asks the controller the rate of counts on the count channels and adds units.

Parameters:channel (int) – count rate channel 0 or 1 (1 or 2 on device) connected to the photon counter
Returns:count rate that is read out in counts per second
Return type:pint quantity

This method is to close connection to the device.


Starts the connection to the device, calibrates it and configures based on the yml file.

make_histogram(integration_time, count_channel)
Does the histogram measurement, checking for the status, saving the histogram.
You need to start the measurement and than you could collect the histogram.
This communicates with the controller method start_measurement and than goes to the wait_till_finished method.
  • count_channel (int) – number of channel that is correlated with the sync channel, 1 or 2
  • integration_time (pint quantity) – acquisition time of the histogram; (please don’t use the word time)

array containing the histogram

Return type:


set_histogram(leng, res)
Clears the possible previous histogram, sets the histogram length and resolution.
Has also to do with the binning and the length of the histogram.
In the correlator software, the length is fixed to 2^16 and the resolution determines the binning and thus the time axis that is plot.
  • leng (int) – length of histogram
  • res (pint quantity) – resolution in the histogram in ps
This method stops taking the histogram, could be used in higher levels with a thread.

Asks the controller the rate of counts on the sync channel and adds units.

Returns:counts per second on the sync channel
Return type:pint quantity
wait_till_finished(integration_time, count_channel)
This method should ask the device its status and keep asking until it’s finished.
However, the remaining time is printed but not shown with the timer in the gui.
The loop breaks if self.stop is put to True, which could be done in a higher level with a thread.
  • integration_time (pint quantity) – integration time of histogram (please don’t use the word time)
  • count_channel (int) – number of channel that is correlated with the sync channel, 1 or 2

remaining time in seconds

Return type:

pint quantity